Insurance via Superannuation – at what cost?

Firstly, insurance policies offered via superannuation may not always be suitable for every person, particularly those who have specific insurance needs. Examples include those requiring the added protection of an ‘own-occupation’ policy definition – such as surgeons. Such policy definitions were rendered incompatible with superannuation.
Selling a Small Business? A Way to Better Manage CGT

This case study focuses on the transition aspects and not the broader benefits of holding a commercial in an SMSF.
What GDP data doesn’t tell investors

This case study focuses on the transition aspects and not the broader benefits of holding a commercial in an SMSF.
How to Transition a Commercial Property into an SMSF

This case study focuses on the transition aspects and not the broader benefits of holding a commercial in an SMSF.
Medical rooms ownership: Opportunities and pitfalls

When the share-market does not see value or investment merit in a particular stock the stock’s share price will recede. This could be because the company’s earnings (i.e. profit) outlook is poor (e.g. Bega Cheese Ltd) or perhaps the industry in the which the company operates is struggling (e.g. ARN Media Limited).
But often someone or a company will see value where the share-market does not. The logical outcome of this is one of the more interesting aspects of investment: the merger or the acquisition. Or, in jargon: M&A.
How Relevant is the ASX in View of Large Takeovers?

A client recently asked some questions about the affect on the ASX of the takeover of companies by private equity funds and large industry superannuation funds. Craig Shepherd, our CIO, responds.
Superannuation updates FY-22. What’s the latest and how are you affected?

Just when you think you’ve got all the rules and eligibility ages of our superannuation system sorted out, they change again.