Wry & Dry #13: Trumpster subpoenaed – they don’t care. Invade between the flags. The votes are in.

The Trumpster can defy the order and be charged with contempt of congress. Or he can appear. And create big theatre. He will sit with his arms folded and refuse to answer any questions.
Australia’s ‘National Accounts’ – little growth, other than in population

Investment Matters highlights our Top Eight insights on the ABS (Australia Bureau of Statistics) estimation of the size and growth of the Australian economy, the so-called National Accounts.
Finding wisdom from history – forecasting supply and demand

“Life’s tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late.” – Benjamin Franklin.
‘That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach’ — Aldous Huxley
Federal Budget deep dive – the Labor Government’s 3rd Federal Budget

This week, the Albanese-led Labor Federal Government handed down its 3rd Federal Budget.
One of the dangers of Budget analysis, especially the type of analysis that finds its way to mainstream media, is how Federal Budgets are equated to household finances. Part of the problem is using the term ‘budget’, often used in the home reflecting a household’s natural constraints of income and spending. For those of limited means, hard budget constraints are everyday considerations.
Instead, Budgets are a nation’s policy decisions, not the state of its savings account. So, we generally baulk at the idea of balancing money ”collected” and “spent” as a misunderstanding of both history and finance.