key policies and information
Thank you for considering First Samuel as your wealth manager.
To assist you in making an informed decision about appointing First Samuel, it is important that you read and understand our Financial Services Guide. This includes information on our services, how we are remunerated, our privacy policy, complaints policy, and other information required by law.
First Samuel Financial Services Guide (Version 16.1 – 23 July 2024)
While our FSG provides an overview of the way we are remunerated, full details of our fees and other costs are contained in our Guide to Fees.
First Samuel Guide to Fees (Version 9.1 – 23 July 2024)
To find out if First Samuel’s MDA Services are appropriate for you, you can read our Target Market Determination (TMD) document here.
TMD for MDA Services (Version 1.0 – 5 October 2021)
In addition to the information laid out in the FSG, you can find more details about our complaints-handling procedures in our Public Complaints Policy.
Public Complaints Policy (Version 1.0 – 2021)
This document provides an overview of our approach to information security and our practices to secure data, systems and services.
Cyber Security at First Samuel Limited (Version 1.0 – 19 December 2022)
If there is any matter that you feel we have not covered to your satisfaction then please ask us.