Wry & Dry #27-25 Medispend. Invade during the curfew. Trumpsterland.

In a maths’ contortion that would confuse a five-year old, Uncle Fester Dutton said that his government would save “about $6bn a year” by “letting go of” public servants. Those savings would be enough to fund his $9bn Medicare rescue policy, announced a nanosecond after Albo’s $8.5bn Medicare rescue policy.

Hold the phone! $9bn spent, $6bn saved. This is not the first time Uncle Fester’s brain has been found to be devoid of any cells capable of adding up. Perhaps he should divert some of his Medicare rescue funds toward maths education.

Reporting season final week – QBE Insurance, Inghams Group and nib Insurance

The semi-annual company profit reporting period concluded today. Overall, this was a very successful reporting season for our portfolio holdings in aggregate. The market’s renewed focus on value, returning to earnings growth and cash flows as the principal drivers of the company’s success was welcomed.  

This week’s Investment Matters discussion will concentrate on three significant holdings: QBE Insurance, Inghams Group and nib Insurance. After the reporting season, we will provide more details on the remaining core equities’ positions.