Wry & Dry #3-25 “Kamala, Kamala…” No speak English. “We’ll always have Paris”

Kamala Harris has four things going for her: She’s black, she’s female, and she’s not the Trumpster. And that may be enough, because of Big Mo.
Big Mo is not Merv Hughes, that former Australian fast bowler with a moustache denser than the Amazon rainforest, but ‘Momentum’. This group behavioural theory is now alive in Democrat land. Ms. Harris has… Big Momentum!
New Financial Year, New Opportunities Part II – Energy sector

Beach Energy, is a leading Australian independent oil and gas exploration and production company. While the energy sector is subject to volatility given underlying commodity prices, Beach Energy’s strategic positioning, future cashflow outlook and growth prospects make it an attractive investment within the sector.
Read this week’s Investment Matters as Craig explains why we think Beach Energy presents a prospective investment opportunity. Many investment banks’ Energy-sector experts see excellent value in Beach Energy at current prices.
Read why we are predominantly interested in owning exposure to movements in the price of gold, both as an insurance policy against global uncertainty or conflict and as a hedge against inflation. Plus, Craig explains why we suspect that the Mining Services and Industrials sector is likely to continue to outperform despite tough conditions.