Wry & Dry #42-24 Dutton’s Rubicon. UK election: leaders last. Real estate opportunities.

It’s the biggest political move since Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon in 49 BC. And Readers know how that ended.

Uncle Fester Dutton cast the die with his announcement of seven sites for nuclear power plants. It has a sort of “built it and they will come” ring about it. Except his is: “announce it and they will vote for it.”

Err, perhaps some details are missing.

Year-end stocktake part 2: Lithium and Domestic economy

House connected to lithium battery

This week’s investment sought to highlight the logic and investment fundamentals we are creating in our lithium basket. Once again, the impact of baskets is to increase the number of stocks clients see in their portfolio, from a purely numeric perspective, but not from a thematic perspective.
The stocktake also highlights the economic outlook for our domestic economy exposure by referencing how current conditions mix with the type of management and asset features we are looking for to create an overall exposure.

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