Wry & Dry #36 FY-24 From the Murray to… “That would be the Euphrates”. Rats.

In the most flagrant breach of responsible government since that which caused then PM Whitlam to give Federal Treasurer Jim Cairns the DCM in 1975, Victorian Premier Allen has not given state Treasurer Tim Pallas the DCM.

And in abject bovine indifference, the financial media chewed the cud spewed out by the government’s PR machine and effectively said “Tut, tut. Must do better.”

Even the state opposition leader (err, bowler’s name?) couldn’t bring himself to ask for the head of Pallas to be impaled on a spike at the city gates.

Macquarie Group and Perpetual – analysis of FY24 results and company outlook.

Macquarie and Perpetual results and analysis

As part of the usual ‘confession season’ leading into the Macquarie Australasian Companies Conference in Sydney this week, weakness has been apparent in businesses exposed to the consumer and these stocks have been sold off. We hold little exposure to these names.  

Several significant announcements by our portfolio companies have also been made in the past week. We focus on two of these in Investment Matters discussion this week.

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